"Lord, not more people, but more of You. Let me wait upon You, keep me faithful, send Your Holy Spirit. If You then send growth as well, I'll thank You and see it as an added blessing. Amen."
This particular prayer took me into so many random thoughts that I felt like my tiny brain was going to explode. There is so much going on right now and then... This prayer...
My randomness today begins with wanting to just jump up and agree with this type of prayer. How beautiful, simple but yet so intimate. More of YOU LORD, fill me to overflow!
As I mutter those words a small voice in my own head asks --> Has this become another cliche prayer? Do we really understand what we are praying for? Do I know? Or does it feel good praying it?
I'm quickly reminded of what the presence of God has done through out scripture:
At the Temple dedication
-- More of God? What if it means being paralyzed with awe?
Isaiah in the presence of the LORD cried "Woe to me!" and "I am ruined!" (Isa 6)
-- More of God? What if it means realizing how insignificant I am in His Presence?
At Mount Sinai when God showed up they trembled with fear and said "do not have God speak to us or we will die." (Ex 20)
-- More of God? What if it means death?
To ask God for more of Him is absolutely radical. It goes beyond a random thought or a feel good experience. When we intentionally make this request we begin to get a little glimpse of Him.
It's this glimpse that makes us cry out, desire, plead for more. The amazing part is that the more of Him we receive the More of Him we have to give or there won't be enough room for more of Him...
So then I say more of YOU LORD!! Paralyze me, Crush me, Kill me if YOU must but fill me with More of YOU!