From the outside looking in ... Zeal could like Madness ... No wonder some people think I'm CRAZY.. :-D
Random Zeal ThoughtThinking like a puppyZeal defined
–noun : fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.
—Synonyms intensity, passion.
2 Samuel 6:22 I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor."
I remember when I first came into a personal relationship with Jesus. An older man said to me "son never let that fire burn out" He was talking about the obvious passion that I had for the LORD my Master. I must have had that excited tail wagging hyper puppy look in my eyes waiting for my Master to throw the ball -- yelping and peeing all over the place.
I also remember while I was dreaming about planting LWF that someone commented about my 'zeal'. That it would be
Zeal that would help grow the church. Now that was an encouraging Word. (There was a second part to that, but she never told me. Now for years I've wondered about that).
Truth be told I still am excited for my Master to throw the ball but I've learned not to pee all over the place and to sit, a sign of maturity.
The best part is that when He throws the ball I get to chase it and bring it back to Him.
He then encourages me and I get more excited. I think He likes it when I give it all I've got just to bring the ball (Glory) back to Him.
My RANDOM thought:Can zeal be taken as arrogance?
Even if it's Zeal towards the Master?
Inside the church by the church?
If we take the above scripture incident out of context and just look at what David said to Michal it sounds very arrogant.
Almost sounds like kids on the playground taunting one another "He chose me and not your father".
If we put it back in the context of who David is, we can begin to see that David was lost in the moment of praise. His surroundings are no longer relevant. Worshiping God is the purpose and center of his 'zeal'
Unfortunately there are some that would see this behavior, call it foolishness and believe that David is just trying to bring attention to himself.
His dancing, leaping could be considered a performance, but it is for an audience of One.
So what then do we do and say concerning Zeal?
I want to be so consumed with Worship that if I happen to say or do something that looks foolish. Then let me be a fool for Jesus.
Master throw the Ball and I'll bring it back to YOU... and I won't let the Squirrels distract me !!