I have noticed that the older I get my threshold for physical pain keeps decreasing. Stubbing my toe or splinter makes me scream for Jesus and my Mommy in that order.
All of this brought me to my Random Thought and few points to ponder:
Pain can be physical and/or emotional.
Pain is an equal opportunity offender it does not discriminate
Pain never announces itself though sometimes you can see it coming
People do not feel the same intensity of hurt for the same stimuli of pain
Experience or Time does not make Pain hurt less but might make us withstand better.
Pain always hurts
Pain is always personal!
My wife says when it comes to people "if your not close enough to be hurt your not close enough to make a difference".
When experiencing a hurt or pain at times, and meaning well, we might be Spiritualize and quote Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Really?!? Could be the likely response from a person who does not know God nor trust Him. Truth is we all have hurt, are hurting or will hurt. There is no pain that is greater than
another. Each experience will be
dependent on a previous experience, the time that has lapsed and the uniqueness of the person. Needless to say the pain that hurts the most most is the current one we experiencing..
Dealing with pain feels like an episode from the Twilight Zone. That place right in the middle that confesses by faith "I know truth"; "I trust; "I believe I have received" but there is no natural manifestation and the more I pray the more it hurts. So I say to myself -- I really do know what I should believe and I even know what to
say... But I feel like running away!! As if I can run away from my
feelings.. I want to trust God but the
voices in my head are driving insane!!
The time now comes to engage the mind. To decipher and discern the Word. The battle of my mind begins over Romans 8:28 -- Does it begin with definition and understanding?
So is the pain or situation for the Good of those that love him more than me??
Do I love??
Am I called?
All questions that come up in the middle of the night
when you can't sleep or when you wake....
There is no logic that can combat these thoughts.. Praying doesn't help as I feel like a spoil
child throwing a tantrum..
Maybe it's simply my understanding of good? What God perceives as good for me may not feel good to me.
So what am I to do?? I put my hand on the wound and squeeze.. Realizing that the pain I feel is a reminder that I am alive... "What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me" (Job)
So what am I to do?? I put my hand on the wound and squeeze.. Realizing that the pain I feel is a reminder that I am alive... "What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me" (Job)
Only choice now is to get up and fight..
I stand up and stand.. Ensuring
that I don't let my HURT hurt others while allowing others to carry my
burden.. I lean not on my own
understanding but recognize that GOD is God!!!
That makes A.W. Tozer's quote “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.”
Have a fresh meaning.
and naked I will depart!
1 comment:
yes...it's true...hurting people hurt people...many times I have partaken in this neverending cycle of wasted time! I must rmind myself to recall the word that helps me through times I go through. Sometimes it's not even a difficulty around me happening, but just my "old" ways popping up!! What a great piece to tap into and bring to surface to talk about!
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